Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hi there, I'm back here!

Hey there, I'm back here! :)
I just started the new phase of my life, called IN-TERN-SHIP!
Do you know what intenship is?
Internship is kind of new policy from the ministry of health for us as fresh graduate of medical school, after clinical stage and passed the final exam; called UKDI (Ujian Kompetensi Dokter Indonesia).
And... I have to move to the other city, and this is Lumajang.

Where is Lumajang? :O
One of small city in East Java - Indonesia.

Lihat Peta Lebih Besar

In the next time, I will write my story and experience in here.
See yaa! ;)

1 comment:

  1. itu Pict'nya di poli mana dokter???
    ceritanya yang bagus"nya aja ya dokter er :)
